How To Go Independent

An objective source to learn about independent business models

HTGI 021: Katie Brewer-- can't find the ideal place to work? Build it yourself!

PodcastSean Kernan1 Comment


Katie worked at several places-- large, small, investment-focused, insurance-focused, you name it-- before realizing she needed to try her hand at starting her own. She's on the leading edge of advisors serving younger and/or clients with few investable assets, using technology and a monthly subscription model. 

In this episode you will learn....

  • Why and how you don't need to turn people away just because their assets are tied up in a 401 (k)-- as long as they are looking for financial planning and value advice
  • How using current communication technology can leverage your time and make working with you easier for clients and prospects
  • How to be awesome....(obviously)

Links to other stuff you might want to check out:

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