How To Go Independent

An objective source to learn about independent business models


A "one firm for life" advisor goes independent -- part 3 of an ongoing series

InterviewsSean KernanComment

This is part three of an interview I did recently with an advisor currently in the transition process. He built a successful practice and decided to make the leap to independence despite being a "one firm for life" advisor early on. I've changed his name in the article to protect his identity. You can read the first part of the interview by clicking HERE or check out part two by clicking HERE

When you would NOT want to go independent - Part 4

Sean KernanComment

Number four, you aren’t willing to work hard for a short period of time to improve your business and have more control over it. I have a good friend who, after fourteen years in the industry all at one firm (I met him as we started at the firm about two months apart, fourteen years ago), he is in the process of moving his practice right now from the only firm he’s ever been with.